Documentation Starter Kits For Trauma Informed Therapists
This documentation starter kit includes 25 practice related documents that are essential to clinical practice - specifically designed for trauma informed therapists.
These forms are great if you are...
- Starting a new practice and want all the essential documents you need
- An established clinician but aren’t sure if you have everything you need in your chart
Here are the 25 essential forms included in the starter kit:
Consent Forms:
- Service Agreement
- Parent Addendum for Separated/Divorced/Never Married Caregivers
- Self Pay Fee Agreement Form
- Telehealth Consent
- HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices
- EMDR Intensive Service Agreement
- ProBono Agreement
- Consent to Record Sessions
Administrative Forms:
- Demographic Form
- Credit card authorization
- No Surprise Act - Notice of Good Faith Estimate for Website
- No Surprise Act - Good Faith Estimate sample
- Superbill Template with Example
- Fax Cover Sheet
Note Templates:
- Intake Note (check boxes)
- Intake Note (open ended)
- Progress Note
- Discharge Template
- Discharge Template (no final session)
Clinical Questionnaires/Forms
- New Client Brief Consultation Questionnaire
- New Client Questionnaire
- Medication Form
Coordination of Care
- Release of Information
- Coordination of Care Introduction Letter
- Coordination of Care Letter Update
All consent documents are in Word for easy formatting. You will also get access to updates and any new documents that are added to this in the future!
Get this resource today!